Tuesday, June 11, 2013

MAID for a MUSKET ~ Greater Opportunities for Our Next Generation


Ian Farthing, Artistic Director, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival 

Lucia Frangione, International Award Winning Playwright

 As part of the War of 1812 Celebrations, Ontario Visited is excited to share some SCOOPabout their upcoming performance “MAID for a MUSKET”, a brand new comedy by Lucia Frangione, Original music by Melissa Morris. Ian Farthing, Artistic Director of the St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival has kindly introduced us to Ms. Lucia Frangione, internationally produced award winning playwright and actor. Together with Ian’s input, we continue …
Lucia Frangione, continues on telling what she felt was the importance of the performing arts in our society today.
“A Canadian playwright will understand the Canadian experience and it is different from other places in the world. I will speak your language. I will have your sense of humor. I do know the color of your sky. I have tasted the first strawberries in Ontario and picked them with my father. I have been bitten by horseflies. I have walked along the St Lawrence River as the sun sets. I have been so humidly hot in the summer I want to jump into a bath full of ice cubes. I have been in love with a boy who plays lacrosse and have kissed his face, his face with the tiny bit of ice crystal snot around the nose, hoping it doesn’t melt too fast…you might be chuckling or wincing right now reading this, why? Because you’ve done the same thing! I watch you and listen to you and put you up on the stage and share your voice with the rest of the world. You think Beyonce is going to do that? You think Tarantino can? No. They’re great novelties and amazing artists. But we tell each other who we are. We inform each other what we believe in, who we love, what we live for, what we strive to be. That is irreplaceable.”
As our society changes with technology, I asked Ms. Frangione is she had any suggestions on how to encourage the youth today to participate in such a unique “field” that requires passion, talent, dedication and devotion. Lucia tells us …“I think my generation was the “TV generation” and the fear was that technology would replace all the live arts. I do see the youth today obsessed with their ipads, video games, itunes, etc, sure. But I also see the returned pleasure and value being found in taking dance, music lessons, drama…all the live arts. I think there is greater opportunity for this next generation to share their talent with the world through utube, social networking etc. A teenager now has the technology and networking available to them to shoot their own film, their own music video, their own live poetry reading, their dance routine, their piano concert, get it on line and share it with the world electronically or market a live event. It’s really amazing.”
Stay tuned for more exciting SCOOPfrom Lucia Frangione and Ian Farthing, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival! Check out their website for the details (www.stlawrenceshakespeare.ca), plan on a fun, and great, memorable time!

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