Tuesday, June 18, 2013

MAID for a MUSKET ~ Career of a Playwright ~ Secrets to Success


Ian Farthing, Artistic Director, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival

Lucia Frangione, International Award Winning Playwright

As part of the War of 1812 Celebrations, Ontario Visited is excited to share some SCOOPabout their upcoming performance “MAID for a MUSKET”, a brand new comedy by Lucia Frangione, Original music by Melissa Morris. Ian Farthing, Artistic Director of the St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival has kindly introduced us to Ms. Lucia Frangione, internationally produced award winning playwright and actor. Together with Ian’s input, we continue …
Ian Farthing, Artistic Director, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, is also an accomplished Director/Actor/Singer/Performer. He is also “witty” “cleaver”, kind, generous and thoughtful! Once again, I called on Ian for his input with the next question for Lucia Frangione. Ian asked … “How does working with a Festival, such as the St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival, impact the career of a Playwright. Lucia tells us …“Ian has given me to the opportunity to write for a new audience, a large cast (a rare luxury, most theatres tend to produce new Canadian plays with a cast of six or less) and delve into a piece of history I didn’t know much about beforehand. I also had the opportunity to study one of Shakespeare’s lesser known plays, Love’s Labour’s Lost. I am able to write a play that is, in a way, a love letter to the people of Prescott. Not only to honor the people in the town’s past but to celebrate the particular things that make that little corner of the world beautiful and unique: the river, the wild flowers, some of the historical buildings…that sort of thing. The royalties go to a living breathing Canadian writer, a single Mom who really needs the pay cheque, unlike, say, Noel Coward’s estate.”
For many festivals and events, historical sites, attractions and museums, it is critical to have Volunteers! For this edition of THE INSIDE SCOOP I asked Ian Farthing, Artistic Director, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival if he could share with us some techniques on managing so many volunteers, performers? Mr. Farthing tells us …Organization is key! At the St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival we hire a full-time outreach coordinator each summer whose job is partly to recruit, train, schedule and retain volunteers. The key to having a successful team of volunteers is to ensure that each person knows that their contribution is valued and vital. And to make it fun! If people are giving their time and talents voluntarily, we want them to enjoy themselves! In a way, it can be very similar when dealing with an ensemble of actors. You'll get the best out of a cast if they feel their contribution is essential to the production.”
Ontario Visited thanks both Lucia Frangione and Ian Farthing, St. Lawrence Shakespeare Festival! Check out their website for the details (www.stlawrenceshakespeare.ca), plan on a fun, and great, memorable time!

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