Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Battle of Queenston Heights ~ featuring 13 year old Benjamin Fisher ~ War of 1812 Reenactor

Benjamin Fisher ~ War of 1812 Reenactor
Ontario Visited ~ War of 1812 Celebrations
Festival Nomad Correspondent
1812-2012 ~ written by Benjamin Fisher
Thursday, Oct. 11, 2012:   Driving

The excitement of the event was overwhelming. I could not believe that I was about to be at the exact place where the first battle of the War of 1812 was fought and where the Major General had died. I would be marching the 12.5 km and then the 3 battles that the militia was in, for the first battle was solely fought by the 41st. I was really excited for the battle. My regiment (Royal Newfoundland Regiment A.K.A. RNR ) did not fight in this battle so we went as members of the militia. I was especially excited to die. For people who don’t know re-enactors love to fake die on the battle field. A lot of people ask “how do you know when to die” and I respond when you think someone should have died you drop to the ground screaming and groaning. Then you roll around a bit and then you lay there. It’s nice when someone “dies” near you so you can whisper to them and kind of have a conversation about how good and believable their death was.  We arrived at our rental cottage at 7:00pm and then went to Queenston to check in on our arrangements for the following day, with our regiment’s commander Mr. Dave Brunelle. I found out that I will be assisting the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada (IMUC) at the monument (Queenston Heights). I had worked with IMUC before so I knew what I was doing. The following day was an education day for schools. After that my mom, sister and one of my mom’s co-workers then left Queenston heights (Brock’s monument) where Dave was camping and went for dinner on Clifton hill in down town Niagara Falls. While driving back from Clifton hill I saw fort George at sundown. The way the light hit it gave me a moment of “wow!”

(To Be Continued)

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