Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I Love My Job ~ Fort Henry ~ Will Baird ~ St. Lawrence Parks Commission


Will Baird, Manager, Fort Henry, St. Lawrence Parks Commission


Ontario Visited interview Mr. Will Baird, Manager of Fort Henry, St. Lawrence Parks continues …
“I love my JOB!” … Being Passionate about History & Your Job!
Can you image going to a job, work every day and loving it! Ontario Visited is my job, my work, my passion and I love every day! I get many opportunities to interview many interesting, knowledgeable leaders, organizers and experts in the industry. I get to engage in enlightening conversations and learn so much that most people never get a glimmer of. I was excited to hear Mr. Will Baird, Manager of Fort Henry - St. Lawrence Parks Commission talk about his passion and love for his job and history. I asked him if he was worried about the “changes” and he states that he “thrives on change” and he “loves the process of change”! Will tells me that Fort Henry is changing; the overall direction of the business, an entire new way to look at the future. Mr. Baird goes on to say the Fort Henry is looking to the communities, private large venues, other museums, historical sites, and more to see the opportunities that Fort Henry can draw on for inspiration. Will’s motivation and enthusiasm each and every day comes from his passion! Will has passion for history, passion for people, and passion for change. He compared the stresses of another types of job, such as a Police Officer, or Doctors where one could assume the stress levels would be there often, he does not feel stressed. Baird tells me he is in a position to create and change while still sharing history. What a great opportunity. Going to work every day, Mr. Baird still needs to deal with what he calls the mundane stuff, like e-mails, correspondence, then the rest of the day he engages with others in development, research, and the ongoing pursuits to enhance the visitor experience at Fort Henry.

Stay tuned for my upcoming Blogs, Articles and Newsletters. In the meantime, please check out Fort Henry website at (LINK) for the Sunset Ceremony details; Upper Canada Village at (LINK) and the St. Lawrence Parks Commission at (LINK).

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