Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Getting News

by Judi McWilliams

Calling all Regiments and Re-enactors to order” ….Ontario Festivals Visited is a website dedicated to discovering, visiting and promoting Ontario’s great festivals and events. With the War of 1812 Bicentennial coming soon, we have expanded our site to include the War of 1812 Celebrations website . In this new website we explain, promote and honour the Ontario War of 1812 Bicentennial Celebration and the re-enactors who participate in them. Even though the official celebrations don't begin until 2012, we have started promoting and now with the hope that we can build interest in all that is being planned! The timeframe of the celebration events (2012 to 2014) parallel the events that occurred almost 200 years ago. I have already had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. David Brunelle, Project Director for the Southern Georgian Bay War of 1812 Bicentennial Committee. Check out my interview with Dave at http://warof1812celebrationnotes.blogspot.com/. Now, here is the point of this Blog! We are looking for interesting and informative information about you the re-enactor, the organizer, about your regiment, about your plans for the Bicentennial Celebrations and your plans for this year. Although there are other websites out there, it is our hope that we can provide an easy, fun and informative website for all to enjoy with ease. “A one stop shopping experience” so to speak! If you, or anyone you know, is interested in submitting information to our War of 1812 Headline News page or to our Event Calendar, just send us an "information" e-mail. Here is the e-mail address gary@ontariofestivalsvisited.ca . We are also looking for people to interview for our War of 1812 Articles section. We want to tell your story! All you need to do is to contact us by telephone at 1-888-818-0255 or by e-mail at judi@ontariofestivalsvisited.ca . We will make the necessary arrangements to get “your word out”! So, join in on the Celebrations!

War of 1812 Headline News - This page is updated regularly to provide you with current and topical War of 1812 Celebrations news and information.

War of 1812 Articles - The War of 1812 Celebration Articles contains a series of articles specifically written to tell you about the War of 1812 celebrations, its participants (re-enactors) and the people who organize and manage these events. It will also give you a glimpse of the past, help you understand the present and perhaps, show the direction of the future for our two great countries. Throughout the life of the War of 1812 Celebrations (plus before and beyond), articles will be added regularly.

War of 1812 Newsletter - This is a quarterly publication dedicated to promoting the various War of 1812 Celebrations and Re-enactments that are taking place over the next several years. Each issue contains articles and photos specific to the War of 1812 Celebrations and the events surrounding them.

War of 1812 Events Calendar - This section contains monthly calendars showing upcoming War of 1812 Celebration events. Each event is listed on the dates it is being held and, where possible, there a link back to the event's website.

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