Photo by Gary McWilliams, Ontario Visited
"The Battle" at the Canadian International Military Tattoo & Festival
Interview with Mr. John Terence, Producer, Canadian International Military Tattoo & Festival
WAR OF 1812 & the Canadian International Military Tattoo & Festival
For many festivals and events, it is critical to have volunteers! I asked Mr. Terence how many volunteers do they require for the Canadian International Military Tattoo & Festival and did he have any systems in place to “keep them happy”. Quite simply, Mr. John Terence said … “the show would not go on without Volunteers”! Approximately 40-50 volunteers work with John alone, not to mention all the other teams. There are various co-coordinators in place and co-ordinators that liaison with all the Cadet services. The Canadian International Military Tattoo & Festival holds a wonderful Volunteer Appreciation night.
I mentioned to John that I felt Volunteers are of the upmost importance to the ultimate success of a festival/event/production and John said “that’s absolutely it! It is important to keep the volunteers happy! You will ultimately end up working with higher quality people with high quality work ethics”. John says “these volunteers take a lot of pride in doing their job well, no matter how menial”. Again, John repeats his comment that “he tries to instill in his volunteers that no matter how small or menial a job might be, it most likely is critical to the intricacy of the overall performance. If the visual cues are not on time, it could affect in a major negative way”. I said to John, there must be a “Lot of Trust”! He replied … “no kidding!”
A lot rides on the tasks taken during a performance by the team and volunteers. Mr. Terence “encourages his volunteers and team to use their initiative. He shows them how to and when to use their initiative. He gives them the freedom to make decisions themselves, but, he does encourage them to call for assistance to be guided by him”. Once John “gives them the answers and directions, he trusts them to do it!” He states that he “deplores micro-management”. He feels “that by micro-managing people all you are doing is demonstrating to them that you do not trust them. Again, he encourages initiative! If you see a situation that needs to be addressed you do it!” Sometimes mistakes do occur. John feels “it is important (repeating during our interview several times) “that“ it is important to always end a discussion on a positive note”. A situation/person may need to be addressed for their error, but, John feels “it is critical to always offer a solution!”
Part of his leadership and in getting others to take leadership depends on this important step in managing Volunteers! Mr. Terence says “it is important to give your volunteers/team instructions and the tools, whether it is psychical tools or words or pictures and diagrams. John relies heavily on diagrams coordinates during a performance. It is also important to let them do their job, then it is equally important for them report back to you”!
(To Be Continued)